Volunteers spent their 4th Quarter Training interacting with the horses and refreshing their tacking knowledge. It was a great learning experience for all.
Proper and Improper leading techniques were demonstrated by Nikki and Aggie and the volunteers had to identify what was correct and incorrect and explain why.

Horses were tacked improperly, and volunteers had to examine each horse and identify what was incorrect with their tack. This was a real challenge for some and helped us all to realize that we all make mistakes. Even the ones who do it daily!!!

The next part of the training was spent performing some desensitization on a few of the horses. This helps the horses learn not to ‘fear’ a sudden movement while they are ridden and also helps the volunteers know what to watch for in the horses’ body language to prevent any unstable reactions.

Our next Volunteer Training is scheduled for January 15th, 2025. 6pm at the program facility, Three Crowns Ranch, 10854 Greenwood Street, Brainerd.