Special Olympics Equestrian Team
Have you heard the news?
Special Olympics Minnesota believes that through sports training and competition, people with intellectual disabilities benefit physically, mentally and socially; families are strengthened; and the community at large, both through participation and observation, is united in understanding people with intellectual disabilities in an environment of equality, respect and acceptance. In 2010 Mounted Eagles joined Special Olympics of Minnesota! As a result the first Mounted Eagles Special Olympics Equestrian Team was formed and had two representatives in the 2010 State Equestrian Competition. Justin Fairbanks and Alicia Paine came home with both Gold and Silver Medals earned in their respective classes.
The Original Mounted Eagles’ Special Olympics Equestrian Team

A special thank you to Spirit Horse Center and Grattan Home Healthcare for sponsoring the Mounted Eagles Special Olympics Equestrian Team from 2010-2019.
For more information about the Mounted Eagles Special Olympics Equestrian Team and how you can support us or join, contact Lynn Fairbanks (218) 963-3936.
The 2020 Competition was canceled due to Covid-19 restrictions. Looking forward to 2021!


Spirit Horse Center and Mounted Eagles will host the Area 5 Special Olympics Equestrian Competition on Saturday, July 11th. Please join us for a great experience watching your favorite Special Olympian demonstrate his/her equestrian skills. No admission. Public is invited. Concessions will be available.

The Area 5 Special Olympics Equestrian Competition was held at the Spirit Horse Center in Brainerd on July 8th. Mounted Eagles collaborated with SO MN to offer this competition to all eligible members of the Area 5 SO Equestrian Teams. The competition allowed more opportunity for these athletes to participate in the show vs attending the State competition. Eight athletes from Mounted Eagles and five from Princeton Rockin’ Riders competed against each other in English and Western Equestrian events. Dalton Schreier assisted with the planning of the opening ceremonies where Sam Meier and Kelsi Berqquist of the Black Bear 4-H Club presented the American Flag and Special Olympic Torch on horseback. Police Chiefs Corky McQuiston (Brainerd) and Jim Exsted (Baxter) presented the awards to the winning athletes. On this great day, everyone was a winner whether they received a medal or not! Plan to join us in 2013 for the event.
On August 19th, Alicia Paine, Danny Meyer and Bergen Hanson represented the Mounted Eagles Special Olympics Equestrian Team at the Special Olympics State Equestrian Competition which was held in North Branch, MN. Mounted Eagles’ coaches supporting the athletes at the competition were Susie Baillif, Becky Clarkin, Kris Olson and Colleen Langren. The athletes came home with Gold, Silver and Bronze medals as a result of their individual accomplishments at the competition. Congratulations, Athletes, we are very proud of you.