Susie Baillif Memorial Fun Show Pre-Enrollment


One horse per rider for the $50 all class fee. If you ride multiple horses then you will pay a fee for each horse.

See the description below for details.

If registering more than one rider, please indicate here the name of each additional rider, the horse’s name and classification (Pee Wee, Junior, Intermediate, Senior or Senior+). Please also make sure to update the “Quantity” field below to reflect the total number of riders.
Product total
Options total
Grand total


Pre-Enroll for the Susie Bailiff Memorial Fun Show Here!

Please enter your information above for the rider(s) you would like to register.

Please note that a Current Coggins Test for All horses will be required. After you submit your registration, please email a Coggins Test Report for each horse to [email protected]

If you would like to register in person or by mail, please print out our registration form here, and either include a check with your registration, or make a payment with Venmo by scanning the code below.

Contact Aggie Stroot at 218-820-0375 or [email protected] for more information.